Our Logo

Our Colors
Libertarian Gold
CMYK = 0 / 10 / 100 / 12
RGB = 230 / 197 / 0
LAB = 80.67 / 0.444/80.18
HEX = #fed000
PMS = 109c
Libertarian Gray
CMYK = 0 / 0 / 0 / 80
RGB = 86 / 86 / 90
HEX = #56565a
PMS=Cool Gray 11c
*80% is our formal gray, but all grays from the "cool" gray pallet are acceptable.
Libertarian Black
CMYK = 0 / 0 / 0 / 100
RGB = 35 / 31 / 32
HEX = #000000
Our Fonts

Where to Use These Fonts
- Headings
- Body text
- Best on digital
- Formal print letters
- For emphasis. Use should be very limited. Only short phrases of 3 words or less.
State Logo Layout

Download the Logo Variations and Fonts
By downloading the files below you agree to the following:
The logo belongs to the LNC and you are only using it by permission. You will only use the official Libertarian Party logo (Torch Eagle) logo files to design graphics for the Libertarian Party, or its affiliate parties, or its endorsed candidates on its various platforms and mediums of use. The logo belongs to the Libertarian National Committee, Inc., and used with permission.